Queen of Tears
Romcom crack with a lot of heart. Best in the genre since 'Crash Landing on You' (albeit 'The Story of Park's Marriage Contract' is a close runner-up for me this year). The drama suffered in two areas - 1. it was too long (as with most KDramas - 12 eps would've been sufficient. 2. Dull villains, adding very little to the story. Yoon Eun-sung could've been a potentially interesting character - but it seemed the script and direction had very little interest in fleshing him out narratively. Also Park Sung-hoon (who has impressed in previous antagonist roles e.g. 'The Glory') seemed uninspired here. But the core of the story — appreciating the people that matter in our lives & redeeming failed relationships (both in love and within family) — was there all throughout. It was heartfelt, funny, dark at times, and sincere. PD Kim Hee Won was amazing as always. I've been a fan since her 'Money Flower' days, and it seems there's no genre she can't direct. And the cast - from the leads to supporting roles were all stellar. I loved Kim Ji-won in 'My Liberation Notes' so its awesome to see her in a hit role, and Kim Soo-hyun was amazing as well. Overall, 8/10 for me.



23 Apr 2024

Some quotes from Ep 14 ~ - "We put emphasis on our happy moments. But we don't know what the future holds for us. So we make promises we can't keep and laugh as if these happy moments will last forever. However, there is a dark side behind those radiant moments. When the magical moments disappeared and hardships made me want to give up, a thought crossed my mind. 'Sure. I've experienced many misfortunes, but I still have you.' And that helped me endure." - "Don't make a choice. Don't think. Just listen to me. Just.. Live. Do that. Please live."

01 Apr 2024

Episode 8 thoughts ~ So many beautiful moments in this episode. The part where Hong Beom-ja cried on Baek Hyun-woo's shoulder after he asked if she was ok - was so raw and beautiful. And up until now, Hong Soo-cheol was mostly used for comedic relief — but here we got see him humanized, someone struggling for his family, extremely incapable - yet trying his best in his own way. PD Kim Hee-won is just great. She's been delivering nothing but quality since Money Flower!

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